Thank You

The response and support our family has received is simply amazing. Through the donations and sale of Aidan’s art, the family has been able to avoid financial ruin. The family had considered the sale of their home, and Aidan’s father began to look for a 2nd job to offset the impact of the additional medical expense.

However, due to the tremendous outpouring of support we have received; the family has been able to offset current medical and loss wage expense. Given the demand for Aidan’s art and the uncertainty that awaits us on the road to curing Aidan from leukemia, we have elected to continue to offer his art for sale. All of the proceeds generated from the sale will still go to Aidan and his family to prepare for future medical expense. Our family felt it morally important to share that your support has been more than we could have ever anticipated, and we wanted to thank you for everything.

While the donations and financial support have been an amazing blessing, we would like to especially thank everyone for all of the letters and support. Your words have been uplifting and inspiring to the entire family. Your words and support for Aidan have helped us in ways unimaginable. Aidan has been drawing more than ever, and we do our best to share all of your words with him. Your support has been keeping Aidan’s and our family’s spirits up. Again, we sincerely thank you for this.

Thank you,
Aidan and family

About aidforaidan

Aidan is a beautiful, creative, quirky, 5 year old boy. He has a passion for drawing and monsters. On September 13, 2010 he was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Here is where we share his story.
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36 Responses to Thank You

  1. Steve M says:

    I’m glad that there’s some good in the world, and that you guys are doing well!

    I’m in a tough financial spot, but if there’s any way I can help (making a video on Youtube, or any kind of graphic design) I would gladly donate my time, until I can purchase a few of the awesome monsters!

    Hope Aidan has a Happy Halloween and my best to the family!

    -Steve J Meyers
    ETC Media

  2. Jon Rubin says:

    First off, I hope you feel better. Cancer is scary – I had it too when I was younger. I am happy that you have good parents to take care of you during this difficult time.
    Second, I love your artwork! When I was your age I used to draw pictures of Transformers and sell them to make money for comic books. I guess my pictures weren’t very good, because I think I only made 40 cents. I just ordered your Gill Man – can’t wait!
    We are all rooting for you!


  3. Leanne says:


  4. Actress/Scream Queen Deneen Melody and I have a radio show on Friday nights on blog Talk Radio and would like to have y’all on soon to talk about this and to help spread the word about Aiden. email me anytime and we have already shared Aiden’s page on Facebook and I have an article up on GT.

    Anything we can do to help we will!

  5. Katy says:

    I am so touched by this story and so incredibly happy that Aidan is doing well. I would love to see the monsters printed on tshirts- I would buy them for everyone I know for christmas!

  6. What an amazing little guy. You guys are in my thoughts today…. can’t wait for the little fella to get some more monsters on your etsy site so we can pick one up!

  7. Carlos Ayala says:

    Hold on Aidan you are going to make it.
    My thoughts are with you and your family!

  8. says:

    I saw Aidan’s pictures.
    Aidan is grate artist!

    I hope you feel better.

    from japan.

  9. Chimene says:

    Your little boy is inspiring. He’s touched my heart so much. I posted an article of him here: and I hope it will help bring more viewers to both your Etsy and blog. God Bless.

  10. Tiffany says:

    What a wonderful little guy he is! I am going to school for a degree in Elementary Education, to hopefully become an art teacher. Seeing such talent and passion in one so young inspires me and makes me feel warm inside.

    Best wishes to your family<3

  11. Jessica says:

    Just heard of Aidan’s story and what a blessing it is! You have to be so proud of this young man. I pray the Lord will continue to bless you and your family financials thru his art and comfort and heal your son in the process! Would love to do a giveaway with ya’ll on my blog if you are ever interested!


  12. Molly says:

    Thanks so much for posting this. It really makes me realize how important life is and that we shouldn’t waste our time bothering to worry about silly things or fight over insignificant details. I know Aidan will pull through this, I just know it.

    My thoughts are with you and your family. Good luck, best wishes.

  13. Brooke & Dave says:

    We pray for you all the time and we’re so happy you guys are getting support from all around the world! So quit painting your house and keep that awesome yellow color in your hallways!!!!

    We all love you,
    Brooke, Dave, Hope, & Grant

  14. cynthia says:

    Hi Aidan (and family)!

    My name is Cynthia and I live in São Paulo, Brazil.
    I found your site and I just loved yours drawns! You´re a very nice kid! I want buy one of your works at soon…
    I hope that u stay good and grow up with happiness.
    Sorry about my bad english…

    Kisses and hughes!!!

  15. Johan Leion says:

    I’m working as an illustrator myself. When I saw Aiden’s drawing of the Gill Man it was like looking into a reflection of what I used to draw when I was his age 20 years ago. I bought it instantly. Great Work. And I’m Rooting for you Aidan!

    /Johan Leion, Sweden

  16. Scott says:

    I just got my red monster in the mail today… and it’s AWESOME! I hung it up in my office at work. Everyone who walks by has commented on the scary monster hanging on my wall. Hang in there Aidan! I’m looking forward to seeing more artwork… they’re great!

  17. Spicy says:

    We posted about Aiden on Celebrity Smack and purchased scary clown today!! Much love to Aiden!!

  18. Alessandro Fin says:

    I wish the best to Aidan and his family! I did what a could bought an Aidan Art from

    America will never be #1 country in the world if a family has to go through this financial problems. Having a sick kid is not enough?! If this problem would have been in Canada or Europe. It would have 100% free makes me sad :(.

    Good Luck Aidan! You are great kid with an amazing smile!!!!

  19. Aidan-
    I have been following your story for awhile now! You are awesome. I wanted to let you know that we did a walk for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society on Saturday called Light The Night. It is so much fun! My nephew was the featured survivor! Our team alone raised almost $4,000 dollars! We had 140 people on our team! We had a big sign we got to carry and lead the whole walk. We listed some of our friends we know that are still fighting leukemia. I put YOUR name on the sign! Just wanted to let you know we were thinking about you all the way in Phoenix!


  20. dani kreeft says:

    after reading the msnbc article, i instantly went to the shop and bought my two favorites…what an amazing thing.

    i’m writing about it tomorrow on my blog, to spread the word.

    GO AIDAN!!

  21. AJs Dad says:


    all my best to Aidan and your entire family. I’m behind you all 110%. If you don’t mind, I just wanted to share that I’ve been in your shoes. My son was diagnosed with cancer on Father’s Day 2007. We lost AJ on January 5, 2008. I went on to co-found People Against Childhood Cancer, an online, free, grassroots network for the childhood cancer community. I simple ask that you consider joining, sharing with us as we fight for more awareness and funding. We’ve been successful in certain aspects, and frustrated in other. We are not a fundraising organization but promote the efforts of others. Thanks for considering,

    best regards
    AJs Dad
    People Against Childhood Cancer (PAC2)
    PAC2 on Facebook

  22. Angela Woods says:

    Hi, Aidan!

    I read about your art on the internet and I had to see it for myself. I bought your drawing of Gillman. I love it! I think I will frame it and give it to my sister for her birthday. Where do you come up with the ideas for your artwork? It is all very good. Take care of yourself, little man.

    Love and prayers,
    Angela Woods

  23. Chelsea says:

    Hi there! Your story has touched me. I LOVE Aidan’s art! What an amazing little artist! My daughter Cami (also 5) was diagnosed with ALL last July. I always hate that others have to go through this terrible disease, but it is nice to have the support. I will be keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers. I will check your blog often for updates. Best wishes…Sending giant sanitized hugs your way!

    Chelsea and Cami

  24. Lisa says:

    Awesome idea Aidan’s Aunt!

    Its nice to read an inspiring story, and its nice to see what a community can do together to help each other. Don’t worry if you make a lot more than the family needs themselves, I’m sure you’re meeting a lot of families that Aidan’s monsters can help it forward!


  25. tanyetta says:

    Aidan, You are AMAZING!!!!!!!!! A true INSPIRATION for the WORLD!!!!!!!!!

  26. Tricia - Toronto says:

    Hi Aidan and Family,

    I hope with all my heart that Aidan gets well and becomes the awesome artist/creative person that he’s meant to be.

    Also, I hope that this encourages and inspires all of your supporters to help others in need by seeking and supporting organizations that provide hope, caring and aid to those who need it.

  27. Hi Aidan! You are a true artist!! I loved looking at all your scary monsters!
    I thought my son and you have that in common, he makes his own paper costumes and spends time drawing too 🙂 I would like my son to see your artwork and we will choose one together for his room 🙂 Maybe he can send you one of his.. would you like that?

    Our prayers are with you friend!
    Eve and Yous

  28. What a great way to make use of a God given talent! The Lord has blessed you and will continue to bless you and your family Aidan. You are a great artist. I’m having trouble choosing which monster print to buy but I am partial to the Vampire one 😉
    I love vampires and monsters too. I think I’ll get a t-shirt as well. Might as well have the whole vampire collection you know 🙂
    We’ll pray for you and your wonderful family. You are surrounded by love.

  29. Matt says:

    Stay strong aiden !!

    My older brother and i are both leukemia survivors so we know what your going through. Draw as much as you can, and keep your head up.

    God Bless

  30. Dave says:

    This is an inspiration and Aidan’s drawings are just amazing. Just looking at his drawings, it’s easy to see this little man has art in his heart and soul. I started drawing at the same age and have been extremely lucky to make my living through art. Please tell Aidan, from one artist to another, I think he is one of the most talented artists I’ve seen. I bought Gillman, Purple Monster, Nosferatu and Wolfman no2.. Please tell him my favorite is Noseferatu, because he’s bald like me.


  31. Vicki says:

    Hello Aidan,
    I love your artwork. I am on the board of an art gallery in Topeka KS. We have an art walk the first Friday of every month. I’d like to invite you to hang some of your work in the show.

    let me know!

  32. Lais says:

    I just stopped by to wish you guys all the best. Aidan is awesome and so are you guys!

  33. Karla Quesada R. says:

    Hi Aidan, I read your story and I congratulate you, you’re a big man, God will be with you, as our prayers.
    All will go according to the will of God, have faith.
    A hug from a distance and when you want to visit Costa Rica, you will receive with love … Karla R. Quesada

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